W niniejszej polityce dotyczącej plików cookie chcielibyśmy wyjaśnić, czym są pliki cookie i technologie podobne do plików cookie, w jaki sposób my i inni dostawcy usług wykorzystujemy je na tej stronie internetowej, jakie informacje gromadzą, jak długo i do jakich celów je wykorzystujemy.
Spis treści
- Administrator strony internetowej
- Uzupełnienie polityki prywatności
- Czym są pliki cookie i podobne technologie?
- Jaka jest podstawa prawna ustawiania/odczytywania plików cookie?
- Jakie prawa ma osoba odwiedzająca stronę internetową?
- Jak zarządzać plikami cookie w przeglądarce?
- Jakie rodzaje plików cookie istnieją?
- Kto może ustawiać pliki cookie na tej stronie?
- Jakie pliki cookie są używane na tej stronie?
Administrator strony internetowej
- Dostawca: Malgorzata Gatza, Polska
- E-mail: contact@europeanribbon.eu
Uzupełnienie polityki prywatności
Niniejsza polityka dotycząca plików cookie stanowi uzupełnienie polityki prywatnościtej witryny. Polityka plików cookie określa, w jaki sposób strona internetowa wykorzystuje pliki cookie i jakie dane gromadzi za ich pośrednictwem, podczas gdy polityka prywatności stanowi bardziej kompleksowy przegląd wszystkich działań związanych z przetwarzaniem danych na stronie internetowej i poza nią.
Czym są pliki cookie i podobne technologie?
Pliki cookie to niewielkie informacje podobne do plików tekstowych, które mogą być przechowywane i odczytywane na urządzeniu końcowym. Służą one różnym celom, w tym utrzymaniu podstawowych funkcji strony internetowej, bezpieczeństwa i prywatności, zapewnieniu opcjonalnych funkcji strony internetowej, gromadzeniu danych statystycznych dotyczących przepływów odwiedzających i dostarczaniu systemów marketingowych. Praktyczne przykłady tego, co może być przechowywane w plikach cookie, to przechowywanie statusu logowania na kontach użytkowników, zawartość koszyków zakupowych na platformach handlu elektronicznego lub identyfikator użytkownika do śledzenia zachowania na stronie internetowej.
Informacje te mogą być technicznie przechowywane na różne sposoby. Najbardziej znanymi przykładami są pliki cookie HTTP i technologie podobne do plików cookie, takie jak przechowywanie lokalne, przechowywanie sesji lub IndexedDB. Każdy rodzaj przechowywania ma inne właściwości, które określają techniczną obsługę, dostępność i administratorów upoważnionych do dostępu do informacji. Wszystkie te rodzaje przechowywania są zwykle podsumowywane terminem "pliki cookie" i dlatego są tak nazywane w niniejszej polityce dotyczącej plików cookie.
Jaka jest podstawa prawna ustawiania/odczytywania plików cookie?
Ustawianie i odczytywanie plików cookie w Unii Europejskiej (UE) i Europejskim Obszarze Gospodarczym (EOG) jest zgodnie z Art. 5 ust. 3 dyrektywy o prywatności i łączności elektronicznej oraz motyw 66 dyrektywy o prywatności i łączności elektronicznej dozwolone tylko wtedy, gdy użytkownik wyraził na to zgodę na podstawie wyczerpujących informacji o celach przetwarzania. Operator strony internetowej może również ustawić pliki cookie, jeśli są one absolutnie niezbędne do zapewnienia Państwu jako użytkownikowi wyraźnie żądanej usługi, np. podstawowej zawartości tej strony internetowej lub innych ściśle niezbędnych plików cookie dla podstawowej funkcjonalności strony internetowej, która ma być wyświetlana Państwu bez Państwa zgody.
Ustawianie i odczytywanie plików cookie w Szwajcarii jest zgodnie z Art. 45c lit. b) FMG (Fernmeldegesetz) dozwolone tylko wtedy, gdy użytkownik ma możliwość sprzeciwienia się przetwarzaniu danych na podstawie wyczerpujących informacji o celach przetwarzania. W wyjątkowych przypadkach należy uzyskać zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych w plikach cookie w Szwajcarii.
Jakie prawa ma osoba odwiedzająca stronę internetową?
Usługi i ich pliki cookie mogą być ustawiane i odczytywane na podstawie Państwa zgody lub uzasadnionego interesu. Podczas pierwszej wizyty na tej stronie internetowej zostali Państwo poproszeni o wyrażenie zgody i mieli Państwo możliwość wyrażenia sprzeciwu wobec korzystania z niektórych usług. Wyjaśniliśmy, która podstawa prawna jest używana dla danej usługi w naszym oknie dialogowym zgody.
Mają Państwo prawo do przeglądania historii swoich decyzji, zmiany ustawień prywatności, sprzeciwu wobec korzystania z usług i odwołania zgody w dowolnym momencie. Poniżej znajdą Państwo możliwości korzystania z przysługujących praw:
Jak zarządzać plikami cookie w przeglądarce?
- Jak usunąć pliki cookie w przeglądarce: Aby usunąć pliki cookie ze swojego urządzenia, mogą Państwo wyczyścić dane przeglądania w ustawieniach przeglądarki. Ta czynność spowoduje usunięcie wszystkich plików cookie ze wszystkich odwiedzanych witryn, w tym potencjalnie zapisanych danych logowania i preferencji witryny. W niektórych przeglądarkach można po prostu usunąć pliki cookie i podobne dane bez usuwania całej historii przeglądania.
- Jak kontrolować pliki cookie w przeglądarce: Aby uzyskać bardziej szczegółową kontrolę nad plikami cookie specyficznymi dla niektórych witryn internetowych, proszę przejść do ustawień prywatności i plików cookie w używanej przeglądarce. W tym miejscu można dostosować preferencje związane z wykorzystywaniem plików cookie przez poszczególne witryny.
- Jak zablokować pliki cookie w przeglądarce: Możliwe jest skonfigurowanie większości nowoczesnych przeglądarek w ich ustawieniach tak, aby blokowały wszystkie pliki cookie przed umieszczeniem na Państwa urządzeniu. Blokowanie plików cookie może jednak prowadzić do nieprawidłowego działania niektórych usług i funkcji, np. logowania jako użytkownik. Mogą Państwo również korzystać z rozszerzeń dla wielu przeglądarek, które mogą blokować ustawienia plików cookie na stronach internetowych.
- Jak zarządzać plikami cookie na tej stronie: Aby dostosować swoje preferencje dotyczące plików cookie na tej stronie internetowej, mogą Państwo zmienić swoje preferencje w dowolnym momencie, klikając łącze w sekcji "Prawa osoby odwiedzającej stronę internetową".
Więcej informacji na temat obsługi plików cookie znajdą Państwo na stronie devowl.io/rcb/cookie-handling/.
Jakie rodzaje plików cookie istnieją?
- Niezbędne pliki cookie są konieczne do podstawowej funkcjonalności strony internetowej i umożliwiają takie funkcje, jak zapisywanie danych logowania lub dostęp do bezpiecznych obszarów strony. Obejmują one na przykład pliki cookie związane z bezpieczeństwem, które mogą identyfikować bota, który nie jest pożądany na stronie internetowej, poprzez przechowywanie klucza uwierzytelniającego w pliku cookie.
- Funkcjonalne pliki cookie poprawiają komfort użytkowania poprzez przechowywanie informacji i preferencji, takich jak ustawienia językowe lub ustawienia wyglądu strony internetowej w celu zapewnienia personalizacji. Obejmuje to na przykład preferencyjne pliki cookie, które przechowują preferowaną jakość wideo użytkownika na stronie internetowej.
- Statystyczne pliki cookie gromadzą dane dotyczące korzystania z witryny internetowej w celu uzyskania wglądu w zachowanie użytkowników i optymalizacji wydajności witryny. Obejmuje to na przykład losowo przypisany identyfikator użytkownika, który umożliwia przypisanie, czy odwiedzili Państwo podstronę witryny.
- Marketingowe pliki cookie są wykorzystywane do śledzenia zachowań użytkowników na różnych stronach internetowych oraz do wyświetlania spersonalizowanych reklam na podstawie zainteresowań i zachowania użytkowników podczas surfowania. Obejmuje to na przykład reklamowe pliki cookie, które przechowują interakcję z reklamą na stronie internetowej i przekazują ją reklamodawcom lub system czatu dla pytań przedsprzedażowych i obsługi klienta.
Kto może ustawiać pliki cookie na tej stronie?
Na tej stronie internetowej zarówno operator strony internetowej, jak i usługi stron trzecich, które są wykorzystywane na tej stronie internetowej, mogą ustawiać pliki cookie i uzyskiwać dostęp do ich treści. To, kto może uzyskać dostęp do których plików cookie i ich zawartości, różni się w zależności od tego, czy są to pliki cookie własne, czy zewnętrzne. Własne pliki cookie są tworzone przez odwiedzaną stronę internetową i mogą być odczytywane wyłącznie przez operatora strony internetowej i zintegrowane usługi stron trzecich na tej stronie. Zewnętrzne pliki cookie są zazwyczaj ustawiane przez usługi stron trzecich w innych domenach, mogą być odczytywane na wszystkich stronach internetowych, na których osadzona jest usługa kontrolująca domenę i, na przykład, wykorzystywane przez sieci reklamowe do śledzenia zachowań użytkowników na różnych stronach internetowych i oferowania spersonalizowanych reklam.
Jakie pliki cookie są używane na tej stronie?
Kategoria | Techniczna nazwa pliku cookie | Techniczny host plików cookie | Usługa | Czas trwania | Typ | Cel |
Essential | elementor | https://europeanribbon.eu | Elementor | - | Local Storage | - |
Essential | elementor | https://europeanribbon.eu | Elementor | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Essential | pll_language | europeanribbon.eu | Polylang | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Essential | real_cookie_banner* | .europeanribbon.eu | Real Cookie Banner | 365 dni | HTTP Cookie | Unikalny identyfikator zgody, ale nie osoby odwiedzającej witrynę. Skrót rewizyjny dla ustawień banera plików cookie (teksty, kolory, funkcje, grupy usług, usługi, blokady treści itp.) Identyfikatory usług i grup usług, na które wyrażono zgodę. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner*-tcf | .europeanribbon.eu | Real Cookie Banner | 365 dni | HTTP Cookie | Zgody gromadzone w ramach TCF przechowywane w formacie TC String, w tym dostawcy TCF, cele, cele specjalne, funkcje i funkcje specjalne. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner*-gcm | .europeanribbon.eu | Real Cookie Banner | 365 dni | HTTP Cookie | Zgody na typy (cele) zgody zebrane w ramach trybu zgody Google przechowywane dla wszystkich usług zgodnych z trybem zgody Google. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner-test | .europeanribbon.eu | Real Cookie Banner | 365 dni | HTTP Cookie | Plik cookie ustawiony w celu przetestowania funkcjonalności plików cookie HTTP. Usunięty natychmiast po zakończeniu testu. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner* | https://europeanribbon.eu | Real Cookie Banner | - | Local Storage | Unikalny identyfikator zgody, ale nie osoby odwiedzającej witrynę. Skrót rewizyjny dla ustawień banera plików cookie (teksty, kolory, funkcje, grupy usług, usługi, blokady treści itp.) Identyfikatory usług i grup usług, na które wyrażono zgodę. Jest przechowywany tylko do momentu udokumentowania zgody na serwerze witryny. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner*-tcf | https://europeanribbon.eu | Real Cookie Banner | - | Local Storage | Zgody zebrane w ramach TCF przechowywane w formacie TC String, w tym dostawcy TCF, cele, cele specjalne, funkcje i funkcje specjalne. Jest przechowywana tylko do momentu udokumentowania zgody na serwerze witryny. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner*-gcm | https://europeanribbon.eu | Real Cookie Banner | - | Local Storage | Zgody zebrane w ramach Google Consent Mode przechowywane w typach zgód (celach) dla wszystkich usług zgodnych z Google Consent Mode. Jest przechowywana tylko do momentu udokumentowania zgody na serwerze witryny. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner-consent-queue* | https://europeanribbon.eu | Real Cookie Banner | - | Local Storage | Lokalne buforowanie wyboru w banerze plików cookie do czasu uzyskania zgody serwera; okresowe dokumentowanie lub próba przełączenia strony, jeśli serwer jest niedostępny lub przeciążony. |
Functional | NID | .google.com | Google Maps | 6 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-3PSIDCC | .google.com | Google Maps | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-1PSIDCC | .google.com | Google Maps | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SIDCC | .google.com | Google Maps | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-3PAPISID | .google.com | Google Maps | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SSID | .google.com | Google Maps | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-1PAPISID | .google.com | Google Maps | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | HSID | .google.com | Google Maps | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-3PSID | .google.com | Google Maps | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-1PSID | .google.com | Google Maps | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SID | .google.com | Google Maps | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SAPISID | .google.com | Google Maps | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | APISID | .google.com | Google Maps | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | CONSENT | .google.com | Google Maps | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-ENID | .google.com | Google Maps | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | AEC | .google.com | Google Maps | 6 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | _c;;i | https://www.google.com | Google Maps | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | LH;;s-* | https://www.google.com | Google Maps | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | sb_wiz.zpc.gws-wiz. | https://www.google.com | Google Maps | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | sb_wiz.ueh | https://www.google.com | Google Maps | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | SIDCC | .google.com | YouTube | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | NID | .google.com | YouTube | 6 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SIDCC | .youtube.com | YouTube | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | YSC | .youtube.com | YouTube | Session | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | .youtube.com | YouTube | 6 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | PREF | .youtube.com | YouTube | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | LOGIN_INFO | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | CONSENT | .youtube.com | YouTube | 9 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | CONSENT | .google.com | YouTube | 9 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-3PAPISID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SAPISID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | APISID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | HSID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-3PSID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-3PAPISID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SAPISID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | HSID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SSID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SSID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | APISID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-3PSID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | OTZ | www.google.com | YouTube | 1 dzień | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | IDE | .doubleclick.net | YouTube | 9 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SOCS | .youtube.com | YouTube | 9 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SOCS | .google.com | YouTube | 9 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | yt-remote-device-id | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | yt-player-headers-readable | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | yt-fullerscreen-edu-button-shown-count | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | yt-remote-connected-devices | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | yt-player-bandwidth | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | LogsDatabaseV2:*|| | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Functional | ServiceWorkerLogsDatabase | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Functional | YtldbMeta | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Functional | __Secure-YEC | .youtube.com | YouTube | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | test_cookie | .doubleclick.net | YouTube | 1 dzień | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | yt-player-quality | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | yt-player-performance-cap | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | yt-player-volume | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | PersistentEntityStoreDb:*|| | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Functional | yt-idb-pref-storage:*|| | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Functional | yt.innertube::nextId | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | yt.innertube::requests | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | yt-html5-player-modules::subtitlesModuleData::module-enabled | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | yt-remote-session-app | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Functional | yt-remote-cast-installed | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Functional | yt-player-volume | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Functional | yt-remote-session-name | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Functional | yt-remote-cast-available | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Functional | yt-remote-fast-check-period | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Functional | *||::yt-player::yt-player-lv | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | swpushnotificationsdb | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Functional | yt-player-local-media:*|| | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Functional | yt-it-response-store:*|| | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Functional | __HOST-GAPS | accounts.google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | OTZ | accounts.google.com | YouTube | 1 dzień | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-1PSIDCC | .google.com | YouTube | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-1PAPISID | .google.com | YouTube | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-3PSIDCC | .youtube.com | YouTube | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-1PAPISID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-1PSID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-3PSIDCC | .google.com | YouTube | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-ENID | .google.com | YouTube | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | AEC | .google.com | YouTube | 6 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-1PSID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | ytGefConfig:*|| | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Functional | __Host-3PLSID | accounts.google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | LSID | accounts.google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | ACCOUNT_CHOOSER | accounts.google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Host-1PLSID | accounts.google.com | YouTube | 13 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Statistics | _ga | .europeanribbon.eu | Google Analytics | 24 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Statistics | _ga_* | .europeanribbon.eu | Google Analytics | 24 miesiące | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | _hjSession* | europeanribbon.eu | Tiqets.com | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Marketing | PAPVisitorId | .travellead.pl | Wakacje.pl | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | PAPVisitorId | .app.travellead.pl | Wakacje.pl | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | visitor_id | .getyourguide.com | GetYourGuide | 5 lata | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | __ssid | .getyourguide.com | GetYourGuide | 4 lata | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | ab.storage.sessionId.* | .getyourguide.com | GetYourGuide | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | ab.storage.deviceId.* | .getyourguide.com | GetYourGuide | 1 rok | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | partner_id | europeanribbon.eu | GetYourGuide | - | Local Storage | - |
Marketing | gyg_visitor_id | europeanribbon.eu | GetYourGuide | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Dostawcy TCF | adguid | *.ebayadservices.com | eBay Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | pid | ups.xplosion.de | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | pid_short | ups.xplosion.de | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | pid_signature | ups.xplosion.de | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | ep | ups.xplosion.de | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | ignore_* | ups.xplosion.de | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | opt_out | ups.xplosion.de | emetriq GmbH | 157680000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | XXXXX_viewnew | * | mainADV Srl | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Dostawcy TCF | XXXXX_conversionnew | * | mainADV Srl | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Dostawcy TCF | XXXXX_productnew_ | * | mainADV Srl | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Dostawcy TCF | fingerprint | * | mainADV Srl | 31104000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Dostawcy TCF | _lgc|XXXXX_view | * | mainADV Srl | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _lgc|XXXXX_conversion | * | mainADV Srl | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _lgc|XXXXX_fingerprint | * | mainADV Srl | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ng | adscale.de | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | oo | adscale.de | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tu | adscale.de | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | uu | adscale.de | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | cct | adscale.de | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | taboola_session_id | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | taboola_select | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Dostawcy TCF | taboola_fp_td_user_id | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | t_gid | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | trc_cookie_storage | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _tb_sess_r | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 1800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _tb_t_ppg | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 1800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | abLdr | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 10800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | abMbl | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 10800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tb_click_param | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 50 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | taboola global:local-storage-keys | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | taboola global:user-id | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | taboola global:last-external-referrer | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | *:session-data | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | taboola global:tblci | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tbl-exm-history | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tbl-exm-apperance | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | trc_cache | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | trc_cache_by_placement | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tbl-session-referrer | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | taboola global:lspb | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tbl_rtus_id | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | eng_mt.crossSessionsData.SessionsHistory | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | eng_mt.numOfTimesMetricsSent | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | eng_mt.scrollDepth | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | eng_mt.sessionDepth | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | eng_mt.sessionStartTime | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | eng_mt.timeOnSite | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | eng_mt.ver | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _data | *.bizrate.com, *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | br | *.bizrate.com, *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 1800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | sessionid | *.bizrate.com, *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | rng | *.bizrate.com, *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | roi_cookie | *.bizrate.com, *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | redirect_data | *.bizrate.com, *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | COu | *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | cnx_roi | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __tbwt | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Dostawcy TCF | tt_viewer | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tt_bluekai | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tt_emetriq | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tt_exelate | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tt_liveramp | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tt_neustar | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tt_retargetly | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tt_salesforce | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tt_skp | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tt_dar | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | DW | *.insightexpressai.com | The Kantar Group Limited | 78892380 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | DW_Time | *.insightexpressai.com | The Kantar Group Limited | 78892380 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | TID | *.insightexpressai.com | The Kantar Group Limited | 78892380 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tuuid | *.bidswitch.net | The MediaGrid Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tuuid_lu | *.bidswitch.net | The MediaGrid Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | c | *.bidswitch.net | The MediaGrid Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tdid | *.adsrvr.org | The UK Trade Desk Ltd | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tdcmp | *.adsrvr.org | The UK Trade Desk Ltd | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tluid | *.3lift.com | Triple Lift, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tluidp | *.3lift.com | Triple Lift, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | sync | *.3lift.com | Triple Lift, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | receive-cookie-deprecation | *.3lift.com | Triple Lift, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | AFFICHE_W | *.weborama.fr | Weborama | 33955200 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | wui | *.weborama.com | Weborama | 33955200 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | wam-sync | *.weborama.com | Weborama | 604800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | uid | * | Wizaly | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | wzuid | * | Wizaly | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | wzts | * | Wizaly | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | wzup | * | Wizaly | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | wzsid | * | Wizaly | 3600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | wzvp | * | Wizaly | 3600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | wzcnst | * | Wizaly | 3600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | wzcpq | * | Wizaly | 3600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | wztld | * | Wizaly | 1 sekunda | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | uuid2 | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | uids | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | sess | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | icu | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | anj | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | usersync | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | pses | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | A3 | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | migrated2y | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 64800000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | optout | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 64800000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | rtbdata0 | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 64800000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | unique_ad_source_impression | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | token_adaptv_advertising_com | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 64800000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | adaptv_unique_user_cookie | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | adaptv_unique_user_id | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | IDSYNC | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _vm_datax_pixels | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | TEARSHEET | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 1800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | vmcid | * | Yahoo EMEA Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | vmuuid | * | Yahoo EMEA Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | sp-pause-until' | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | uids | pbs.yahoo.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | id | ad.yieldlab.net | Yieldlab (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __qca | * | Quantcast | 33868800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __dlt | * | Quantcast | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | mc | quantserve.com, *.quantserve.com | Quantcast | 34214400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | d | quantserve.com, *.quantserve.com | Quantcast | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | sp | quantserve.com, *.quantserve.com | Quantcast | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | qoo | quantserve.com, *.quantserve.com | Quantcast | 157680000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | qor | quantserve.com, *.quantserve.com | Quantcast | 157680000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _yoid | * | RATEGAIN ADARA INC | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _yosid | * | RATEGAIN ADARA INC | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ckid | *.yieldoptimizer.com | RATEGAIN ADARA INC | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ckid | *.adaraanalytics.com | RATEGAIN ADARA INC | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | aackid | *.adaraanalytics.com | RATEGAIN ADARA INC | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ts | *.creativecdn.com | RTB House S.A. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | u | *.creativecdn.com | RTB House S.A. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __rmccpa | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __rmco | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __rmco_cs | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __rmco_jsv | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __rmco_jsver | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __rmts | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | cID | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ccv2 | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | icts | *.jrs5.com, *.linksynergy.com, *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ls_token | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | lsclick_mid* | *.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | lsn_statp | *.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | m* | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | mf_token | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | nextperf_token | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | opt-out | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | pID | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | rmStore* | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | rmStore* | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | rmgconsent | consent.jrs5.com, consent.linksynergy.com, consent.mediaforge.com, consent.nxtck.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 34300800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | rmlconsent_* | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 34300800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | rmuid | *.jrs5.com, *.linksynergy.com, *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | rp | rmp.rakuten.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | rt_status | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tc | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | uuid | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _svtri | a.svtrd.com | Relay42 Netherlands B.V. | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | r42-collect* | t.svtrd.com | Relay42 Netherlands B.V. | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | r42-partnersync* | t.svtrd.com | Relay42 Netherlands B.V. | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | trx | ads.revjet.com | RevJet | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Dostawcy TCF | ads | ads.revjet.com | RevJet | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | track_trx_* | ads.revjet.com | RevJet | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | eg* | ads.revjet.com | RevJet | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | track-scoota | track.scoota.co | Rockabox Media Ltd | - | Web | Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | OneView Pixel | w55c.net | Roku Advertising Services | 34186698 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | browser_id | *.rqtrk.eu | Roq.ad GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | smxtrack | *.smadex.com | SMADEX, S.L.U. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | SEUNCY | *.semasio.net | Semasio GmbH | 31556952 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | suid* | *.simpli.fi | Simplifi Holdings LLC | 31622399 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | uid_syncd* | *.simpli.fi | Simplifi Holdings LLC | 604800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | SCM | *.smaato.net | Smaato, Inc. | 1814400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | SCM* | *.smaato.net | Smaato, Inc. | 907200 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | SCMtemp* | *.smaato.net | Smaato, Inc. | 3600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | _cs_id | *.pagesjaunes.fr | Solocal SA | 34819200 sekundy | Cookie | Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | kameleoonVisitorCode | *.pagesjaunes.fr | Solocal SA | 31104000 sekundy | Cookie | Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | pjtmcxtv1 | www.pagesjaunes.fr | Solocal SA | 8035200 sekundy | Cookie | Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | uuid | *.dsp.pagesjaunes.fr | Solocal SA | 34819200 sekundy | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | uuid | adhslx.com | Solocal SA | 34819200 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Dostawcy TCF | kameleoonVisitorCode | *.pagesjaunes.fr | Solocal SA | 31104000 sekundy | Web | Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | atauthority | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 34300800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | atuserid | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 34300800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | beopid | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 31535998 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Dostawcy TCF | criteo_fast_bid | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Create profiles to personalise content |
Dostawcy TCF | criteo_fast_bid_expires | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Create profiles to personalise content |
Dostawcy TCF | criteo_localstorage_check | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | criteo_localstorage_check | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | criteo_pt_cdb_mngr_metrics | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cto_bundle | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 33696000 sekundy | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cto_bundle | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 33696000 sekundy | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cto_bundle | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cto_bundle | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cto_pub_test_tld | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 3597 sekundy | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cto_pub_test_tld | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 3600 sekundy | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cto_pub_test_tld | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cto_pub_test_tld | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cto_writeable | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 3597 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cto_writeable | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 3600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cto_writeable | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cto_writeable | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | _dlt | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | euconsent | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 31622400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | euconsent | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | nadz_dailyVisits | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 166896 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | _pbjs_userid_consent_data | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | prebid.cookieTest | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Dostawcy TCF | __qca | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 33868800 sekundy | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | __qca | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | qcSes | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | SessionComprendreChoisir | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | _TEST_ | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 31536000000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | __test__#{13} | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | id | m6r.eu | OS Data Solutions GmbH | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | yieldlab | m6r.eu | OS Data Solutions GmbH | 604800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | adx | m6r.eu | OS Data Solutions GmbH | 604800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | adscale | m6r.eu | OS Data Solutions GmbH | 604800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | appnexus | m6r.eu | OS Data Solutions GmbH | 604800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | cct | m6r.eu | OS Data Solutions GmbH | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | op_u_id | opt.objectiveportal.com | Objective Partners BV | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cc | on-device.com | On Device Research Limited | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | cm_uid | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | UID | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | permanent | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | cache* | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ct_uid | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ct_did | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ct_idt | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | DID | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | IDT | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | cookie_ver | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | block_reset | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | *_oo | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | [tracking_]DID | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | [tracking_]tid | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | [tracking_]permanent | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | [tracking_]ucontacts | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | [tracking_]CCAP | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | [tracking_]NDEL | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | [tracking_]CCAP_TOTAL | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | [tracking_]lead_* | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | idt | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | DID | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | UID | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | cookie_ver | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | *CAP | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | *NDEL | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | *_oo | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | bku | *.bluekai.com | Oracle Advertising | 15552000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | bkdc | *.bluekai.com | Oracle Advertising | 15552000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | odn_id | *.otto.de | Otto (GmbH & Co KG) | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | __aav* | adrta.com, cdn.adrta.com, rta247.com, cdn.rta247.com | Pixalate, Inc. | 62899200 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | __aas* | adrta.com, cdn.adrta.com, rta247.com, cdn.rta247.com | Pixalate, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | pvc* | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | pcc* | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | trc | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | ad2 | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | view | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | landing | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | tuuid | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | tuuid_lu | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | c | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | KADUSERCOOKIE | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | KRTBCOOKIE_[DSPID] | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | R_[DSPID] | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | PUBRETARGET | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | PugT | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | KCCH | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 30 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | SyncRTB2 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | SyncRTB3 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | DPSync2 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | DPSync3 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | KTPCACOOKIE | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | FPtrust | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | DPPIX_ON | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 20 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | SYNCUPPIX_ON | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 20 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | PMFREQ_ON | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | USCC | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | camfreq_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | pubfreq_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | COKENBLD | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | PUBUIDSYNCUPFQ | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | DPFQ | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | pi | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 8 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | repi | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | ipc | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 3 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | SPugT | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | optout | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 157852800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | PUBMDCID | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | pubtime_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | pp | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | _curtime | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 4200 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | PMDTSHR | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | dV | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 180 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | TEMPHPAUSRBKCNT_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | HPAUSRBK_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 120 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | UND | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 3600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | SSCS | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | chk | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | chkSecSet | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | chkChromeAb67 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | chkChromeAb67Sec | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | PM-UL-Sync | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | uids | *.ow.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | aid_key | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | limited_tracking_ad_key | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | SyncRTB4 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | DPSync4 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | PubMatic | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | PubMatic_USP | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | PubMatic_GPP | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | _evidon_consent_ls_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | _evidon_visitor_ls_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tr_id | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tr_dt | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tr_gsd | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tr_aasd | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tr_ttdsd | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tr_adfsd | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tr_ssd | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tr_rpsd | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tr_optout | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 157680000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | V | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 31104000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | cwbh1 | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | pb_rtb_ev | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | CWOptOut | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 158112000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | cw | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | wf | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 604800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | vf | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | gdpr | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ccpa | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | rs | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 30 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | INGRESSCOOKIE | bh.contextweb.com, bid.contextweb.com, tag.contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | JSESSIONID | bh.contextweb.com, bid.contextweb.com, tag.contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | bhsp | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 7 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | gpp | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | jvx_dnt | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | jvxsync | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | jvxadbsync | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | jvxbksync | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | jvxkxsync | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | 604800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | jvxlotsync | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | syncMsg | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | rlas3 | *.rlcdn.com | LiveRamp | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | pxrc | *.rlcdn.com | LiveRamp | 5184000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | optout | *.rlcdn.com | LiveRamp | 315576000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | _lr_retry_request | * | LiveRamp | 3600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _lr_geo_location | * | LiveRamp | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _lr_drop_match_pixel | * | LiveRamp | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _lr_env_src_ats | * | LiveRamp | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _lr_env | * | LiveRamp | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | idl_env | * | LiveRamp | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | *LASTREFRESHTIME | - | LiveRamp | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | *CREATEDAT | - | LiveRamp | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | *TYPE | - | LiveRamp | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | *CONTENT | - | LiveRamp | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | viewer_token | tk0x1.com | LoopMe Limited | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | viewer_token | us.tk0x1.com | LoopMe Limited | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _cc_id | *.crwdcntrl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _cc_domain | *.crwdcntrl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _cc_dc | *.crwdcntrl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _cc_cc | *.crwdcntrl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _cc_aud | *.crwdcntrl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _cc_id | *.ltmsphrcl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _cc_cc | *.ltmsphrcl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _cc_aud | *.ltmsphrcl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | panoramaId | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | lotame_*_consent | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | panoramaId_expiry | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | panoramaId_expiry_exp | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | panoramaId_exp | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _cc_id | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | csuuid | *.primis.tech | M.D. Primis Technologies Ltd. | 2160000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tvid | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tvv | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tvssa | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 432000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tv_* | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tvrg_* | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 60 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | tvfc_* | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | tvdfc_* | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | khaos | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | khaos_p | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | audit | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | audit_p | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | trp_optout | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | trp_optout_p | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | uids | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | uids-audit | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | cd | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | FPTrust | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | fcap | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | emilyRan | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | khaos | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | sample_number | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | pux | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | *_uid | *.ad-srv.net, *.rebounce.ai, *.simptrack.com, *.neory-tm.net | NEORY GmbH | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | n_one | *.cdnwebcloud.com | NEURAL.ONE | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | n_one_dnt | *.cdnwebcloud.com | NEURAL.ONE | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | n_o_bc_ | *.cdnwebcloud.com | NEURAL.ONE | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | n_o_bc_cpg | *.cdnwebcloud.com | NEURAL.ONE | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | a* | aa.agkn.com | Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | u | d.agkn.com | Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | TruAudienceID | fid.agkn.com | Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | TruAudienceID | tru-m.agkn.com | Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __adroll | d.adroll.com | NextRoll, Inc. | 50000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __adroll_shared | *.adroll.com | NextRoll, Inc. | 34128000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __adroll_fpc | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 31557600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __adroll_bounced3 | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 157680000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __adroll_bounce_closed | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 157680000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __adroll_load_stats | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __adroll_consent_params | * | NextRoll, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __adroll_tcf_banner_seen | s.adroll.com | NextRoll, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __adroll_consent_data | s.adroll.com | NextRoll, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _rxuuid | *.1rx.io | Nexxen Group LLC | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _rxuuid | *.targeting.unrulymedia.com | Nexxen Group LLC | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | exactag_new_adoptout | * | Exactag GmbH | 157680000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | exactag_new_ccoptout | * | Exactag GmbH | 157680000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | exactag_new_optout | * | Exactag GmbH | 157680000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | exactag_new_cpv | * | Exactag GmbH | 600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | exactag_new_gk | * | Exactag GmbH | 5184000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | exactag_new_uk | * | Exactag GmbH | 15552000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | exactag_new_user | * | Exactag GmbH | 15552000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | session_session | * | Exactag GmbH | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | flashtalkingad1 | *.flashtalking.com | Flashtalking | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | _D9J | *.flashtalking.com | Flashtalking | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | AnalyseUnique | *.gsitrix.com | GP One GmbH | 25920000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | W3HUnique | *.skadtec.com | GP One GmbH | 25920000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | CxtId | ssl.connextra.com, ee.connextra.com, ff.connextra.com, ut.connextra.com, zz.connextra.com, us.connextra.com, dcs.connextra.com | Genius Sports UK Limited | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ClientAttribution | ssl.connextra.com, ee.connextra.com, ff.connextra.com, ut.connextra.com | Genius Sports UK Limited | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | FrequencyCappingCookie | ssl.connextra.com, ee.connextra.com, ff.connextra.com, ut.connextra.com | Genius Sports UK Limited | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | betslip | zz.connextra.com, us.connextra.com, dcs.connextra.com | Genius Sports UK Limited | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | sui | *.sensic.net | GfK GmbH | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | sui_3pc | *.sensic.net | GfK GmbH | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | sui_1pc | * | GfK GmbH | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | sui | *.sensic.net | GfK GmbH | - | Web | Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | NID | google.com | Google Advertising Products | 15552000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | DSID | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | id | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __gads | * | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | IDE | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _gcl_dc | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _gcl_au | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | FLC | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 10 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | RUL | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _gac_ | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _gcl_aw | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | Conversion | googleadservices.com | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | FCNEC | * | Google Advertising Products | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | test_cookie | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 900 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _gcl_gf | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _gcl_ha | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | FPGCLDC | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __gsas | * | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | FPAU | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | FPGCLAW | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | FPGCLGB | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _gcl_gb | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _gac_gb_ | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _gcl_ag | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _gcl_gs | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | GED_PLAYLIST_ACTIVITY | * | Google Advertising Products | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __gpi | * | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __gpi_optout | * | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | GCL_AW_P | google.com, googleadservices.com | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | receive-cookie-deprecation | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 15552000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ar_debug | googleadservices.com, google-analytics.com, doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | id | mookie1.com | GroupM UK Limited | 34128000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | mdata | mookie1.com | GroupM UK Limited | 34128000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ov | mookie1.com | GroupM UK Limited | 34128000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | syncdata_ | mookie1.com | GroupM UK Limited | 864000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | __uu | hurra.com | Hurra Communications GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | pvs | ssl.hurra.com | Hurra Communications GmbH | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | ac* | ssl.hurra.com | Hurra Communications GmbH | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | tuuid | *.bidswitch.net | IPONWEB GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tuuid_lu | *.bidswitch.net | IPONWEB GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | c | *.bidswitch.net | IPONWEB GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tuuid | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tuuid_lu | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | pct | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | pvt | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | ih | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | fh | * | Improve Digital | 86399 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | pxl | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | um | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | umeh | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | sh | * | Improve Digital | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | ad | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | uids | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | CMPS | *.casalemedia.com | Index Exchange Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | CMTEST | *.casalemedia.com | Index Exchange Inc. | 3600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | CMID | *.casalemedia.com | Index Exchange Inc. | 31104000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | CMPRO | *.casalemedia.com | Index Exchange Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | CMO | *.casalemedia.com | Index Exchange Inc. | 157680000 sekundy | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | IXWRAPPERLiveRampIp | * | Index Exchange Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | IXWRAPPERMerkleIp | * | Index Exchange Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | IXWRAPPERAdserverOrgIp | * | Index Exchange Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | IXWRAPPERlib_mem | * | Index Exchange Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | uuid | innovid.com | Innovid LLC | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cbcdfp | *.cintworks.net | Cint AB | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | clinch-sid | *.clinch.co | Clinch Labs LTD | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | TCID | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | CAID | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | TCSESSION | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | TCREDIRECT | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | TCREDIRECT_DEDUP | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tc_cj_v2 | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tc_cj_v2_cmp | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tc_cj_v2_med | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | UID | *.scorecardresearch.com | Comscore B.V. | 33696000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | PID | *.scorecardresearch.com | Comscore B.V. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | XID | *.scorecardresearch.com | Comscore B.V. | 33696000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _scor_uid | * | Comscore B.V. | 33696000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | cid | *.ctnsnet.com | Crimtan Holdings Limited | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | bid | *.consentag.eu | Crimtan Holdings Limited | 12960000 sekundy | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | guid | *.de17a.com | Delta Projects AB | 31104000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | tuuid | *.company-target.com | Demandbase, Inc. | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tuuid_lu | *.company-target.com | Demandbase, Inc. | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | uid | researchnow.com | Dynata LLC | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | RTBUserId | brain.rvty.net | EASYmedia GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | RTBUserId-Old | brain.rvty.net | EASYmedia GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | RTBUserId-Plain | brain.rvty.net | EASYmedia GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tracking-effiliation | track.effiliation.com | Effiliation / Effinity | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | uuid | * | Ensighten | 157680000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | DotomiUser | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | DotomiSync | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | DotomiStatus | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 158284800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_status | * | Epsilon | 158284800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_gdpr_delete | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | DotomiSession_* | dotomi.com | Epsilon | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_token_sc | * | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_token | * | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_token | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_token_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_sync | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_sync_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_tcdata | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_tcdata_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_persisted_em_sc | * | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_persisted_em | * | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_persisted_em | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_persisted_em_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_user_id_sc | * | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_user_id | * | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_user_id | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_user_id_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | svid | mediaplex.com | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | rts | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | _pubcid | * | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | _publink | * | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | dtm_gpc_optout | * | Epsilon | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | up | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Dostawcy TCF | receive-cookie-deprecation | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 34190000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ar_debug | dotomi.com | Epsilon | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | pid | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | pdomid | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | pbw | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 172800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | sasd | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | sasd2 | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | comp | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | partner-* | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | vs | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 1800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | csync | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | csfq | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 21600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | cnfq | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 21600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | gid | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | dyncdn | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | Trk* | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | TestIfCookie | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | TestIfCookieP | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | x-smrt-d | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | sas_euconsent | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | sas_euconsentv2 | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 2592000 sekundy | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | lcsrd | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | rpools | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _lcc | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 900 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | _tmae | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | adcloud | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 31449600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | ev_sync_* | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | everest_g_v2 | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | everest_session_v2 | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | ev_tm | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | demdex | *.demdex.net | Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Platform | 15552000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | dextp | *.demdex.net | Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Platform | 15552000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | dst | *.demdex.net | Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Platform | 15552000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | atbgdid | d.adtriba.com | Adtriba GmbH | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | atbpdid | o.adtriba.com | Adtriba GmbH | 63072000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | D4 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | B6 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | C6 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | A6 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | activityInfo2 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | OT2 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | S2 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | TargetingInfo3 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | G4 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | C_* | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | S_* | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 129600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | ORD | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | CISI_* | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 900 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | OT_* | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | searchsession_* | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | u2 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | r1 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | t1 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | eyeblaster | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | ebImpressionID_* | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | ebPanelFrequencyPerSession | * | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | ebPanelFrequency | * | Amazon Ad Server | 604800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | ebPanelFrequencyPerSession | * | Amazon Ad Server | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | ebPanelFrequency | * | Amazon Ad Server | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | SZMKSessionId | * | Amazon Ad Server | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | SZMKuid | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | ad-id | *amazon-adsystem.com | Amazon Advertising | 23670000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | vendor-id | * | Amazon Advertising | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | amzn-token | * | Amazon Advertising | 604800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | *sessionMarker/marker | * | Amazon Advertising | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | avlukey | dc.arrivalist.com | Arrivalist Co. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | avlcnt | dc.arrivalist.com | Arrivalist Co. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | apr_dsu | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | apr_tsys | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | _usrp_lq | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | _usrp_lq | * | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | _usrp_ref | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure content performance |
Dostawcy TCF | _usrp_tracker | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | apr_tdc | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | sak_cxense | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | apr_lotame | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | sync_cdwdcl_ts | tag.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | sync_adformdsp_ts | tag.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | issued_ts | tag.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | failed_ts | tag.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | seen_ts | tag.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | __bpn_uid | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | i | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | q | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | dc | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | __bpn_uid | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | __ur_i | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | __ur_q | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | __ur_dc | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | __ur_edge | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | __bpn_puid | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | tuuid | *.bidswitch.net | BIDSWITCH GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | tuuid_lu | *.bidswitch.net | BIDSWITCH GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | c | *.bidswitch.net | BIDSWITCH GmbH | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | cc | *.tracker.bannerflow.com | Bannerflow AB | 2592000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | basis-cookie | *.sitescout.com | Basis Global Technologies, Inc. | 31556952 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | bito | match.prod.bidr.io | BeeswaxIO Corporation | 34128000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | cP | neodatagroup.com | Blendee srl | 31556952 sekundy | Cookie | Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | cProfile | neodatagroup.com | Blendee srl | 31556952 sekundy | Cookie | Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | tR | neodatagroup.com | Blendee srl | 31556952 sekundy | Cookie | Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Dostawcy TCF | cOptout | neodatagroup.com | Blendee srl | 31556952 sekundy | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | neoLastSync_* | * | Blendee srl | - | Web | Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | b | *.blismedia.com | Blis Global Limited | 31556952 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | id | - | Blis Global Limited | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | pi | ml314.com | Bombora Inc. | 31536000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | _ccmaid | ml314.com | Bombora Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | cuid | identity.celtra.com | Celtra Inc. | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | UserID1 | adfarm1.adition.com | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | LogID1_* | adfarm1.adition.com | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | lv_* | adfarm1.adition.com | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | lc_* | adfarm1.adition.com | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | oo | adfarm1.adition.com | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | UserID1 | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | LogID1_* | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | lv_* | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | lc_* | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | oo | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _autuserid2 | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | _autoo | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | _autaclids | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | tk_tracking | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | tk_ui | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | sync_* | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | tk_iid_* | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 14400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | tk_ui_third | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Dostawcy TCF | adv_iid | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | adv_ui | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | UserID1 | adfarm1.adition.com | Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | LogID1_* | adfarm1.adition.com | Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH) | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Dostawcy TCF | lv_* | adfarm1.adition.com | Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | lc_* | adfarm1.adition.com | Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Dostawcy TCF | oo | adfarm1.adition.com | Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | C | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 315360000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | TPC | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | GCM | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | CM | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | CM14 | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | otsid | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 315360000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | uid | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 5184000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | SR | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | CT | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 3600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | EBFCD | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 25200 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | EBFC | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 25200 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | CFFC | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 25200 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | C | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 315360000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | TPC | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | GCM | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | CM | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 86400 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | CM14 | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 1209600 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | otsid | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 315360000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Dostawcy TCF | uid | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 5184000 sekundy | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Polityka plików cookie została ostatnio zaktualizowana w dniu December 13, 2024.